Our teachers are all certified yoga instructors with additional trainings in the types of yoga they are passionate about. When you book a class, we can ensure you work with the right teacher to meet your needs.


Sandra case - owner of your best yoga

Sandra completed her 200 hour teacher training in 2013 from Yoga Centre Winnipeg. This training was based in Hatha style, alignment focused Yoga. Sandra is passionate about teaching first time & Beginner Yogi’s, Children and Youth, and people with a variety of abilities. Sandra truly believes everyone can benefit from yoga and encourages students to be accepting of themselves, respect and listen to their bodies, and of course, just do their best.

Prior to becoming a full-time yoga teacher, Sandra worked for non-profit organizations in Winnipeg supporting children, youth, and adults with various needs. She uses her years of experience working with folks with different abilities to provide yoga programming that can assist with self-regulation, motor-skills, focus and attention, as well as muscle tone and flexibility. When appropriate, she loves using tools such as visual schedules, props, music and songs, and yoga games, to help participants engage meaningfully in their yoga practice and enjoy the benefits of yoga provides.

When Sandra isn’t teaching yoga, she can be found spending time with her husband and son, out at the cabin, cooking (and eating) delicious food, or working on a home renovation project.

Certifications and Special Trainings:

200+ hours YTT from Yoga Centre Winnipeg (2013)

“Yoga for Children with Special Needs” online course from Yoga in my School (2016)

Young Yoga Masters Children’s Yoga Teacher Certification 16 hours training (2020)


Sally macdonald

Sally has been teaching yoga in Winnipeg for over 6 years. She completed her first 200hr yoga training from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg in a hatha, alignment based program and her second 200hr t raining in Sivatantra Yoga from Peg City Yoga. Sally has a thirst for knowledge and has taken various other yoga training over the years to hone in on her skills as a teacher. Sally is passionate about making yoga accessible and strongly believes yoga should be available to everyone. She has over ten years of experience working in social services and spent much of that time running a yoga program f or adults with disabilities at the day support program she formerly worked at.

Sally recognizes the barriers of age, ability and social status in the yoga community and hopes to work on breaking those barriers. She teaches yoga in a variety of community settings and has taught for organizations such as Manitoba Possible, Girl Guides Canada and the YM-YWCA. Sally feels that we all have a unique story to tell and once we slow down and listen, these stories can be heard and explored through our yoga practice.

When not teaching yoga Sally can be found reading a good book, walking her dogs or baking something delicious.

Certifications & Special Trainings :

Mini Yogis- Yoga f or Kids 24hr foundation +advanced certification - Completed December 2010

Adaptive Yoga level 1 - Completed April 2012

Yoga Centre Winnipeg 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training - Completed June 2014

Omniji 50 hr Yin Yoga Training - Completed September 2015

Sivatantra 200hr Yoga Teacher Training - Completed September 2020


Cathy Jaman

Cathy began practicing yoga much the same as anyone else, curious to understand the many benefits and eager to reap the rewards. She practiced on and off for years, always a bit unsure if she was "doing it right".  Her desire to learn more about yoga from the very beginning and incorporate more balance into my life, led her to sign up for 200 Registered Yoga Teacher Training (RYT 200).

At the time, her goal was to complete the program for herself, not really to teach yoga.  But life is fluid and things change. After graduating and returning home, Cathy felt very encouraged to share what she learnt with the hope of another soul being able to experience this amazing journey too.

Cathy believes that having the privilege of practicing yoga and being able to share what she knows is a gift.  She often says "my students teach me as much as I teach them". 

Cathy currently teaches at Altea Active, Charleswood 55 Plus Active Living Centre as well as at various Community Centers in Winnipeg.  Cathy also teaches yoga in Huatulco, Mexico while visiting there during the winter months.

Outside of teaching yoga, Cathy enjoys travelling, reading, stand up paddle (SUP) boarding and camping with her husband as well as spending time with their friends and family.

 Certifications & Special Trainings:

200 Hour Hatha Flow - Ashtanga Influenced Yoga Teacher Training in Baja California Sur in Mexico in 2018.  

50 Hour Yin Yoga Techer Training program in Vancouver, British Columbia in April 2019.  

50 Hour Restorative Teacher Training in Winnipeg, Manitoba in November 2020.