15 Things About Me

Since we are just getting to know one another, I thought it would be fun to provide you with some random facts about myself. Read on to learn a bit more about my thoughts on Yoga, food and binge watching Netflix :)

  1. My Favorite color is pink and all the Yoga mats I have ever owned have been… Pink!

  2. I have super tight hamstrings. Even as a Yoga instructor I struggle with flexibility and some days it’s more frustrating than others.

  3. I have recently discovered a love for woodworking – specifically I have made a headboard and a coffee table.

  4. I love doing home renovations and decorating.

  5. I have fallen asleep during meditation. I think it’s because usually when my mind and body slow-down that much, I am in bed. Meditation is a practice!!

  6. I love when people fall asleep in Savasana in my classes. It makes me think they feel really relaxed, safe and happy

  7. My favorite yoga poses to do are Triangle (Trikonasana) or Extended Side angle (Parksvakonasana).

  8. I wish I could do more arm balances and I do push-ups to help with my upper body strength.  

  9. I love to cook and am always looking for new recipes on Pinterest

  10. I am working toward completing my 500 hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

  11. My guilty pleasures include chips and dip, cheeseburgers and binge watching Netflix – but I don’t really feel that guilty about any of them

  12. I LOVE reading blogs

  13. I’ve tried surfing, wakeboarding and wake surfing – I’m not really great at the water sports, but I really like trying them!

  14. I try to incorporate other types of movement (besides Yoga) into my week. In the summer it’s usually walking outside and bike rides and in the winter it’s usually swimming laps.

  15. The first official Yoga Class I ever taught in a studio was on Halloween 2012. Afterwards, I went to get a burrito and the guy making it asked me if I was dressing up for Halloween. I was still on a high from my class so I blurted out that I had just finished teaching a Yoga class. He said “so you dressed up like a Yoga teacher for Halloween”. Best costume ever LOL

