"Yoga Pretzels" Card Deck Review

Yoga Pretzels Review

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I am constantly looking for ways to make Yoga fun and engaging for the kids I work with. Whether it's using music or playing a Yoga game, when it comes to teaching kids poses, you sometimes need to get creative! I was really excited when I found "Yoga Pretzels" card deck by Tara Guber and Leah Kalish online, because I often bring visuals when I teach, and was having a hard time finding suitable pictures of the Yoga poses online. When I received these cards in the mail I was pleasantly surprised to see that they were not only colorful and accurate pictures of Yoga poses, but there were also cards for breathing exercises, Yoga games, and partner poses included! Considering that I only paid $8.99 plus shipping, for a total of less than $20.00 from Amazon, I felt like this was a great purchase and well worth the money.

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The Yoga Pretzels cards are made out of a fairly sturdy laminated cardboard/paper and are stored in a small and easy to carry cardboard box. The cards are broken up into color coded sections for Breathing Exercises, Games, Forward Bends, Standing Poses, Balance Poses, Back Bends, and even Partner Poses.


The front of the card shows the pose, and the back gives you tips on how to cue people into the pose, including some questions you may ask to create a dialogue around the pose. 


I would certainly recommend "Yoga Pretzels" for Yoga teachers, and any parent or School Teacher who brings Yoga into the home or classroom.