Real Life: Updates and a little Break

Hello!! It's been a minute since I've written a "Real Life" series post (be sure to check out some of the others by searching "Real Life" in the sidebar search option if this is your first time here). These really are some of my favorite posts to write because I get to share pieces of my life with you outside of Yoga. Today I thought I would give an update on how things have been going since I quit my job to focus on my own business and teach Yoga full-time, and also to let you know why this post is up instead of the second half of the Eagle Pose Tutorial that was originally promised (apologies). 

So, first of all, lets talk about the business. Since I left my job in October I have had days and weeks where I felt like I was never going to succeed on this journey, and days and weeks where I felt like I was on fire! Apparently, this is a normal part of Entrepreneurship.... ;)


January was my busiest month thus far and I was able to see some of my hard work and dedication pay off. One piece of my business that I waited to launch until I quit my job was offering Yoga programming for children and youth with special needs. I am very excited to share that I've been working with a couple of schools here in Winnipeg, providing Yoga programming for children and youth with Special Needs in classrooms. It is challenging, rewarding, and super fun getting to know kids and seeing their sincere interest and progress with their Yoga practice. 

Your Best Yoga adult programming has also been doing well this year. I have been able to connect with some of the loveliest people who come to my classes and am forever grateful that they are enjoying the programming and feel like it is enhancing their lives in some way. Your Best Yoga Beginner classes are really becoming a little community, as I have many participants who sign up for consecutive sessions. Participants get to know each other by name and we all have good before and after class chats (with some laughs while we practice). This program has allowed me to really find my own teaching style and hopefully I can keep attracting those to the program that find my style helpful and enjoyable. In one of my first posts on this Blog, I wrote about advice I had heard in a workshop back in 2015. The advice was "teach to who you want to come back". I believed in this advice when I heard it, but feel like only now do I really understand it. Sure, there have been participants who have come through Your Best Yoga and haven't returned, and that is OK! The people who continue with me, and return session after session, are the people who I am reaching in some way. Those are the people I will continue to "teach for" (as opposed to trying to please those who maybe just don't feel like my program is a good fit for them).  


With the addition of school programming to my schedule, plus my private clients, Your Best Yoga adult programming, and my community classes, I have been teaching 2-4 times a day 5-6 days a week! Which brings me to my next point.... I need a little break. 

To be honest, I almost feel guilty saying that because I really love what I am doing and am happier in my career than I have been in a long time! However, you can't pour from an empty cup, so I need a week or so off to "fill my cup up" (maybe with Mojitos?). I have been spending time this week making sure everything this in order for this break, which means I didn't have the time to create Part 2 of the Eagle Pose tutorial. I will film it after my break and get it up for you guys - but for now keep opening up those shoulders ;) If you want to keep up with me during this little break, be sure to follow me on Instagram @sandrayogawpg. Have a great week everyone! Thank you for reading.
