interior design

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Home Office Tour!!

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Home Office Tour!!

Since I left my full time job in October I have been working on turning a spare room that was unsused except for junk (do other people have those rooms in their house - tell me I'm not alone here ;)) into a home office. I wanted to create a space that would motivate and inspire me to work, and also something that would help separate my daily personal life and my work life. I felt like if I did my work in my living room for example, I would have less boundaries as to what was "work time" and what was "netflix time". Now in the mornings when I get up I can actually still "go to the office" - but my commute is much more enjoyable! Take a look at the before and after pictures of the space below and read to the end to find out where you can find some similar pieces. Fun fact about me - Interior decorating/design is a very close second to Yoga when it comes to things I'm passionate about.