Your Best Yoga

When I decided that I wanted to create my own Yoga Program I knew that I wanted it to align with a few core values. I wanted it to be inclusive, meaningful, motivating, inspiring and accessible – not a tall order or anything… :)

I truly believe that just about everyone can benefit from a Yoga practice, however, I know that a lot of people find it intimidating, out of their comfort zone, too difficult, or even too weird. I wanted to create a space where people who thought all of those things about Yoga  could come and experience it without any expectation besides trying your best. I wanted to create a space where people would motivate each other to do their best and celebrate even the smallest victories. I wanted to create a space that people could leave feeling great about themselves because they knew they did their best (whatever that looks like)! And finally, I wanted to create a space where I was inspired to show up as my best self and encourage others to show up as their best selves – both on and off the mat. This is what I hope the Your Best Yoga program will become and I hope you will join me on this journey as we create this space at Winakwa Community Centre this year.

Please visit the Your Best Yoga Page to register now and remember – just show up on your mat and do Your Best – it’s all anyone can do! 

Want a chance to win free passes for you and a friend to attend  the “Go with the Flow” class in November?! Leave a comment below or "Like" the Your Best Yoga Facebook page and leave a comment there this month, telling me what doing your best looks like, and I will randomly draw one winner on October 31st!! Good Luck! And just so you know…. For me, doing my best looks like – staying present during my practice, even when I’m really hungry and want to think about dinner ;)