Your Best Yoga

New YouTube Channel!!!

The Your Best Yoga Youtube Channel is live!

I just wanted to let you know that there is a new way for you to practice Yoga with me - online! Please visit the Your Best Yoga YouTube channel for weekly yoga videos. I’ll be posting Beginner Yoga videos as well as videos for more experienced Yogi’s. I’d love to hear what kinds of videos you want to see, so please comment below or contact me with your suggestions.


Hello There! 

Well, it feels pretty great to be here typing out a Blog Post (since it's been about 2 million years since I've written....) What can I say?? I was NOT feeling inspired to write. I hit a wall. I got busy with other things. I've missed you. 

Since I've been away, I've been happy to see that folks are still getting all sorts of information from this here Blog. This Post seems to be the most popular, which is a little concerning - are there that many of you feeling sick after Yoga?? I hope the post offers you some answers, and also encourages you to get back on your mat and try again!

I've stopped in today with a couple of Announcements!!!

First of all, Your Best Yoga is looking to EXPAND this Fall!! I would like to bring this program to more people in Winnipeg, and to do that, I am going to need to provide classes in different areas of the City. So, I am looking into additional City of Winnipeg Community Centres that will take our Beginner Friendly & inclusive Yoga program, in. I'm certainly open to suggestions as to which centres to approach, so if you are currently in a part of Winnipeg without readily available Yoga classes - let me know!! I hope to have an additional home for Your Best Yoga by August (we won't be leaving our original home of Winakwa CC) so stay tuned. 

My Second announcement is equally as exciting! Your Best Yoga will be offering a FREE/DONATION based OUTDOOR Yoga class on July 26th in support of Manitoba Underdogs Rescue!!!! Check out the poster below for all of the details. I really hope to see you there :) 

I have a couple of Blog posts planned for the next month, so, if all goes well, I'll see you again here real soon :) I hope you are enjoying Summer so far! 

- Sandra 

Yoga for Kids: How to Plan a Holiday Themed Yoga Class for Kids

Yoga for Kids: How to Plan a Holiday Themed Yoga Class for Kids

If you have ever taught children Yoga, you likely understand the importance of bringing FUN into the Yoga room. Unlike adults, who generally want a pretty calm and focused setting for their practice, children need more of a "buy in" when it comes to benefiting from all Yoga can offer them. One great way of adding some fun into their practice is to work with themes - animals, superheroes, seasons etc.. With the upcoming holiday season, today I thought I would give you a couple ideas on how to plan your next class for little Yogi's around this festive and exciting time. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job - 2 Month Update!

Real Life: I Quit my Job - 2 Month Update!

Well, this week marks 2 months since I left my full-time day job to venture into Entrepreneurship and teaching Yoga full time. Although I was worried at first that I would find myself with lots of spare time to feel "bored" or "lazy", and ultimately miss the routine of going to work everyday, to be honest - I haven't. I have acclimated pretty quickly to this new lifestyle of making my own schedule and working for myself, and even though there are days where I feel like I spent more time relaxing than working, overall the time has flown over these past two months because I have been BUSY! It really is amazing how much you can accomplish when you have the time and energy to put toward your goals. Today I wanted to share a bit of an update of how the past two months have changed me and my business and a few of the lessons I've already learned. Then on Wednesday, I will be back on this here blog with some tips for those of you who may be looking to take a similar step into working for yourself or making a big career change, to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

Pranayama for Beginners Part 1: What is it?

Pranayama for Beginners Part 1: What is it?

There you are on your mat, laying in savasana, and all the sudden you hear your teacher say "we are going to practice Pranayama today". "Prana-what?", you may think as you start to feel anxious for what is to come.