Well, this week marks 2 months since I left my full-time day job to venture into Entrepreneurship and teaching Yoga full time. Although I was worried at first that I would find myself with lots of spare time to feel "bored" or "lazy", and ultimately miss the routine of going to work everyday, to be honest - I haven't. I have acclimated pretty quickly to this new lifestyle of making my own schedule and working for myself, and even though there are days where I feel like I spent more time relaxing than working, overall the time has flown over these past two months because I have been BUSY! It really is amazing how much you can accomplish when you have the time and energy to put toward your goals. Today I wanted to share a bit of an update of how the past two months have changed me and my business and a few of the lessons I've already learned. Then on Wednesday, I will be back on this here blog with some tips for those of you who may be looking to take a similar step into working for yourself or making a big career change, to make the transition as smooth as possible.
31 Lessons in 31 years
December is always a month full of reflection for me. At the beginning of the month, it's my Birthday and I enjoy taking some time to look back on the events that unfolded in that particular year of life, and I also spend time at the end of the month reflecting on the past, planning for the future and setting goals and intentions. This year I turned 31 - and while this is the first year that I felt the twinge of panic when I say my age out loud - I am also really amazed to think about all the things I have been fortunate to experience in my 31 years on the planet. Keep reading to hear 31 life lessons I have picked up on my journey so far!
1. Always say thank you - in person, in writing, with a small token of appreciation - it goes very, very far.
2. Time does not heal all wounds. Time and work, on the other hand, does. You must do the work, and over time, wounds will heal.
3. Try not to take life so seriously, it sucks all the fun out of it.
4. Growing pains - both physical and emotional - hurt a lot, but the results are worth it.
5. Be brave enough to follow your dreams - I've followed mine to a lot of different places, like the stage, the film set, the runway, and the yoga studio - and I can't say I regret one minute of it.
6. Collect memories not things - this is especially true when you're travelling - spend the money on experience.
7. Travel!
8. Go on lot's of dates when you are young- it really helps you figure out what qualities you value in other people - and which ones you do not.
9. Understand that when people want to set you up with people they know - it's a compliment - even if it feels like a punishment.
10. Say yes more - you'll figure it out when you get there.
11. Be on time. It shows others you value theirs.
12. Do what you say you are going to do. Integrity is important.
13. Acknowledge your fear and do it anyways. I like to visualize myself standing on a very high diving board - terrified - and jumping off, safely landing in the water, excited and anxious to do it again.
14. You can't know what you don't know - ask questions without guilt or fear.
15. The answer is always "no" if you don't ask. Ask for what you want - you will be surprised how often it works.
16. Forgive yourself - genuinely.
17. Forgive others- everyone is just trying to do their best on their own journeys.
18. Eat ice cream - or whatever food you love but restrict yourself from eating because it isn't healthy. I'm not saying to binge and only eat crap that is delicious, but please don't deprive yourself for your whole life. If you were to die tomorrow I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be mad about the ice cream you ate the night before. (*note: unless you are deathly allergic to ice cream - then just ignore this whole point :))
19. You will never please everyone. If you walk into a room full of people, some will like you, some will not like you and some will not pay any attention to you at all. Focus on the ones that like you and enjoy yourself.
20. Always smile in Tree Pose - it helps with balance and makes it more fun when you fall over ;)
21. Try new things and start new hobbies - how else are you to know what you like to do!
22. It's important to get up, get dressed, and keep moving forward, even when your world feels like it's exploding. Just. Keep. Moving. Forward.
23. Being happy and fulfilled in your life, really is the best revenge.
24. Don't get a tattoo unless you are 105% committed to what you want - because a) it hurts a lot and b) seriously, it hurts. I love my tattoo but it almost said "Tr" as I didn't think I could make it through the next three letters ;)
25. Dance at weddings, socials (for my Manitoban readers ;)), parties etc. Do not sit in your chair because you don't want to look un-cool or you think you are a bad dancer - it's so much more fun to be on the dance floor - even if you look like a dork.
26. Yoga will literally change your life if you let it.
27. You are enough, just as you are.
28. Set goals. Make vision boards. Send your intentions into the universe. It can't do any harm.
29. Be vulnerable, open and sometimes, even soft. Especially, if you are more comfortable building walls, shutting down and getting defensive.
30. Sometimes it's hard for people to differentiate between shyness and disinterest. Work on your ability to be open with new people.
31. To be honest, I am shocked I was able to write these 30 lessons and truly mean each and every one. I guess the lesson is that you learn a lot in your life, from your pain, your celebrations, your peers, your mistakes, and the risks you take. Here's to another 31 years and all that comes with them!
Three Lessons from Prairie Love Yoga Festival
I attended the Prairie Love Yoga Festival this past weekend for the first time. Because of my schedule I only purchased two “one-class” passes as I had a workshop for my advanced teacher training on Saturday as well, but I certainly left with a whole lot of inspiring, motivating, juicy goodness – even without being there the whole weekend. Read on to find out what lessons I took away from this glorious experience.
1. “What isn't true will fall away” – Ally Maz
She is my new hero! I went to Ally’s talk called “Confessions of a Yogi in Business” on Saturday and left vibrating on a whole other level of inspired. She speaks the truth - her truth - and you can’t help but feel motivated to do the same. She said a few times in her workshop that “what isn’t true will fall away” which I really needed to hear. I have recently found myself fighting against some changes in my life. Change can be scary for a control freak like myself – lets be honest. But if I think about what Ally said, I can see the things that are changing – falling away – are not in line with what I am feeling is my truth right now. So I will embrace this change because what will be left after the rest falls away is the truth – my truth – and I am a-ok with that!
Me & Ally and some of the gorgeous scenery at the festival
2. “Teach to who you want to come back” – Ally Maz
Ok – I promise this is not just a regurgitation of quotes from Ally, but this was a big one for me. As a Yoga teacher, I often find myself thinking at the end of the class – did everyone enjoy it, was it accessible for everyone, did it make sense to everyone, was it too “woo woo” for some people. Now, I know you cannot please everyone and I learned that early on in my Yoga career. However, when someone doesn’t return to my class, I often still take it personally, even if that student was maybe not best suited for the style of class I was teaching. I want to teach from my heart (see point # 1), and I want to teach people who connect with that – so if the person who was talking through the class because they didn’t “get it”, or was playing on their phone during savasana because they don’t know what the point of laying down for five minutes is, doesn’t return – it’s ok. It’s nice to have high numbers in your classes but if you’re not teaching from your soul because your trying to reach the most amount of people, then what’s the point??
3. There is no such thing as Yoga Music
Singing along with a group of Yogi’s to “Sweet Caroline” while holding a one legged balancing posture, or clapping along to Queen while in Utkatasana, really drove this point home for me during the “Get the Funk out” class I attended on Sunday. I think that at some point in my life I was told “we don’t play music with lyrics in Yoga because we don’t want to take people out of their experience”. So as I made my playlists for classes I would google “yoga music” or just download something from Deva Premal. Now I really do enjoy some of that music, but I was using it because I thought I should, not because I necessarily wanted to move my body and practice to it. So, after leaving the festival I had a strong urge to reassess my playlists and choose the music that I want to practice to (umm see point #1 AND #2). And if the group wants to break into song – I will encourage it, because BONUS Lesson – Yoga should be FUN and make you feel good. Period.
PS... I picked up two more opportunities to bare my soul on the mat this week! I'm subbing the Yin Flow class at Yoga Centre Winnipeg Friday Sept. 18th @5:30pm & leading the in-store Lululemon Polo Park class Sunday morning @ 9:00am - hope to see ya there :)