what to expect

Real Life: 5 Brutal Truth's about Being a Yoga Teacher

Real Life: 5 Brutal Truth's about Being a Yoga Teacher

You have just completed your 200 hour Teacher Training and received your certificate. You are officially a Yoga teacher, and you can't wait to hit the ground running (or sun saluting as it may be). Before you take the leap into becoming a Full-Time Yoga teacher, I want to pass along some of the lessons (ie: Brutal Truth's) I've learned along my journey, including some things I wish I had learned sooner. 

Disclaimer: These brutal truth's include money talk but I am not implying that money/income etc. is the end all, be all when it comes to deciding on a profession. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job - 2 Month Update!

Real Life: I Quit my Job - 2 Month Update!

Well, this week marks 2 months since I left my full-time day job to venture into Entrepreneurship and teaching Yoga full time. Although I was worried at first that I would find myself with lots of spare time to feel "bored" or "lazy", and ultimately miss the routine of going to work everyday, to be honest - I haven't. I have acclimated pretty quickly to this new lifestyle of making my own schedule and working for myself, and even though there are days where I feel like I spent more time relaxing than working, overall the time has flown over these past two months because I have been BUSY! It really is amazing how much you can accomplish when you have the time and energy to put toward your goals. Today I wanted to share a bit of an update of how the past two months have changed me and my business and a few of the lessons I've already learned. Then on Wednesday, I will be back on this here blog with some tips for those of you who may be looking to take a similar step into working for yourself or making a big career change, to make the transition as smooth as possible.