beginner yoga

Yoga Program for Beginners

Being a beginner in Yoga can feel intimidating, but I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be. Today I am sharing a series of videos from my YouTube channel that I would recommend for a Beginner, along with descriptions and the reasons for choosing each specific yoga practice. If you are just starting your yoga practice, you can work through these four videos - once a day, once a week, or whatever schedule works for you! - and experience the amazing benefits of yoga without the worry.

Note: always consult a health professional before beginning a new physical exercise program or if you have any concerns regarding the practice.

Video #1: Standing Poses for Beginners

The reason we start with standing poses for beginners, is because those poses use our large muscle groups to help us build our strong foundation for our yoga practice (as opposed to using the smaller muscle groups like back muscles etc). So let’s stretch and strengthen our lower bodies - legs, feet, and hips - with this video. These videos all reference yoga props - Blocks and Straps - I like this 2 pack of blocks and a strap from Amazon (Canadian Link) Click here for the Amazon US Link

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Beginner Yoga: Standing Poses

Video #2: Balancing Poses for Beginners

To build on the work we did with our standing pose practice, we move on to balancing poses. While balance can feel intimidating for beginners I am here to assure you it’s OK to fall out of a pose or waiver in a balance pose. Again, most of these poses utilize our larger muscle groups which tend to be a bit safer. Remember, if you fall out of your balance pose, have a laugh and try again! (It’s just yoga ;))

Beginner Yoga: Balance

Video #3: Shoulder openers for beginners

Starting to move to some of the smaller muscle groups, we look at those often tight shoulders. As we move our focus to the upper body we rely on the strong foundation and alignment we have learned in the prior three videos/practices.

Beginner Yoga: Shoulder Openers

Video #4: Restorative yoga

I love ending my yoga sessions with a class focused on relaxation. Try this practice to get a great stretch and some good old relaxation…. And feel the benefits of your yoga practice wash over you :)

Beginner Yoga for Relaxation

Looking for some amazing yoga mats and props? Visit Yoga Design Lab to see their eco friendly products and mats specifically made for tall yogis!

Affiliate Link - I earn a commission on qualifying purchases made with YDL

New YouTube Channel!!!

The Your Best Yoga Youtube Channel is live!

I just wanted to let you know that there is a new way for you to practice Yoga with me - online! Please visit the Your Best Yoga YouTube channel for weekly yoga videos. I’ll be posting Beginner Yoga videos as well as videos for more experienced Yogi’s. I’d love to hear what kinds of videos you want to see, so please comment below or contact me with your suggestions.

Myth #2: You Have to "Calm your Mind" to Practice Yoga

This is part two of a three part series debunking some common Yoga Myths. If you have a Myth you would like to share or challenge me to debunk, share it in the comments below. If these Yoga Myth articles inspire you to try your first Yoga class - click here to sign up for classes in Winnipeg.

Yoga Cartoon By Gemma Correll

Yoga Cartoon By Gemma Correll

I've heard people say this many times - "I can't do Yoga because I just can't calm/empty my mind enough to focus".

Um, honestly….me too.

We have all seen the pictures of the calm Yogi sitting in meditation with his or her eyes closed, fingers in a Mudra, looking ever so peaceful.... but I bet at least half of them were thinking about what they were going to eat after that photo-shoot was finished. I'll be honest, sometimes I can totally focus in a Yoga class. I hear the teachers prompts to "be here now" and I am able to focus enough on the sensations in my body as I move through the poses to leave my worries behind for an hour. Other times, I don't even hear that prompt from the teacher because I am ruminating about something that happened the day before. Guess what? I am still getting a lot of benefits from moving through the practice. And take a second to re-read that last sentece - Yoga is a PRACTICE - so just keep practicing! The more you practice being mindful, being still, focusing on your breath, and keeping your attention in the present moment, the easier it may become.

If you are interested in learning more about meditation you may enjoy these Audiobooks (Links to Amazon Canada):

Meditations for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Total Meditation by Deepak Chopra M.D

Click here for the US links for some wonderful Meditation Audiobooks.

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In conclusion…. Please, don't let your "monkey mind" keep you from trying Yoga. Just keep showing up with all your worries and practice letting them go, even for a moment. You are still going to benefit from moving your body, taking those deep juicy breaths, and inviting yourself to relax, even if it's difficult some days, I promise.

Yoga Myth #1 - You Have to be Flexible to do Yoga

This is part one, of a three part series, debunking some common Yoga Myths. If you have a Myth you would like to share or challenge me to debunk, share it in the comments below. If these Yoga Myth articles inspire you to try your first Yoga class - click here to sign up for Yoga in Winnipeg.

Yoga can look different and still be as beneficial

Yoga can look different and still be as beneficial

“You have to be flexible to do Yoga” - This is probably the most common misconception and most commonly used "excuse" as to why people haven't tried Yoga. Unfortunately, this myth is reinforced by Social Media accounts of uber flexible Yogi's, and magazine covers showing poses by people who have very advanced practices. You do not have to try and look like those people. There are many, MANY, poses that do not require you to lift your leg over your head, extend your spine into a backbend, or stand on your head. You don't have to be able to touch your toes, we have blocks and belts for that. You simply don't have to DO anything you aren't comfortable doing. All you have to do is show up, be open, feel and move your body, and take some deep lovely breaths. And you know what?? After you've practiced for awhile (no set length of time, it's different for everyone) you will find you have more flexibility! That’s because Yoga is a practice that is meant to help increase flexibility (as well as balance and strength).

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Yoga props are there to help you access and modify poses.

Yoga props are there to help you access and modify poses.

So, let's agree to stop worrying about not being flexible enough to try Yoga. If you go to the right kind of class (maybe a Beginner Class), with a teacher that can assist you with modifications when necessary, and truly listen to your body while you practice (without trying to force yourself into what you think is a "picture perfect" shape), you will safely reap the many benefits from the practice. And as a bonus, you may be able to get closer to reaching your toes after a couple months!