Real Life: I Quit my Job - I Better not Mess this up

October 14, 2016

It is 10:30pm and I worked my last 7 hours at my "day job" today. I was about to go to bed - because these last three weeks have exhausted me - but instead, I write. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support and well wishes I not only received today, but since I've told people my plan of quitting my job. It's been incredible to hear peoples genuine excitement, pride, and enthusiasm in me following my dreams. People seem to really respond to the idea that someone is taking that leap, maybe because it's safer that way - me and not them - or maybe seeing someone else try to do something so many people want to do themselves ignites something in them.

I had a moment today. Reflecting on all the amazing support I have received. I thought - I better not screw this up.

Stay tuned...