love your life

Real Life: I Quit my Job - I Better not Mess this up

Real Life: I Quit my Job - I Better not Mess this up

It is 10:30pm and I worked my last 7 hours at my "day job" today. I was about to go to bed - because these last three weeks have exhausted me - but instead, I write. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support and well wishes I not only received today, but since I've told people my plan of quitting my job. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job

Real Life: I Quit my Job

On September 23rd I gave my 3-weeks notice (to my incredibly supportive boss) at my job of the last 4 years. I have made the decision to step out on my own and put everything in to growing my business and teaching Yoga. It has, and continues to be, one of the scarier things I've done in my life. It seems like a big risk, but at the same time, like something I HAD to do - for my soul and all that :) Since I gave my notice, I've been blogging in "draft" form and will now be sharing those posts every Wednesday for the next little while. I will be sharing my real-time feelings, thoughts, as well as tips and tricks for going out on your own, and of course, my wins and losses. Enjoy!