
31 Lessons in 31 years

December is always a month full of reflection for me. At the beginning of the month, it's my Birthday and I enjoy taking some time to look back on the events that unfolded in that particular year of life, and I also spend time at the end of the month reflecting on the past, planning for the future and setting goals and intentions. This year I turned 31 - and while this is the first year that I felt the twinge of panic when I say my age out loud - I am also really amazed to think about all the things I have been fortunate to experience in my 31 years on the planet. Keep reading to hear 31 life lessons I have picked up on my journey so far!

1. Always say thank you - in person, in writing, with a small token of appreciation - it goes very, very far.

2. Time does not heal all wounds. Time and work, on the other hand, does. You must do the work, and over time, wounds will heal.

3. Try not to take life so seriously, it sucks all the fun out of it.

4. Growing pains - both physical and emotional - hurt a lot, but the results are worth it.

5. Be brave enough to follow your dreams - I've followed mine to a lot of different places, like the stage, the film set, the runway, and the yoga studio - and I can't say I regret one minute of it.

6. Collect memories not things - this is especially true when you're travelling - spend the money on experience. 

7. Travel!

8. Go on lot's of dates when you are young- it really helps you figure out what qualities you value in other people - and which ones you do not.

9. Understand that when people want to set you up with people they know - it's a compliment - even if it feels like a punishment.

10. Say yes more - you'll figure it out when you get there.

11. Be on time. It shows others you value theirs.

12. Do what you say you are going to do. Integrity is important.

13. Acknowledge your fear and do it anyways. I like to visualize myself standing on a very high diving board - terrified - and jumping off, safely landing in the water, excited and anxious to do it again.

14. You can't know what you don't know - ask questions without guilt or fear.

15. The answer is always "no" if you don't ask. Ask for what you want - you will be surprised how often it works.

16. Forgive yourself - genuinely.

17. Forgive others- everyone is just trying to do their best on their own journeys.

18. Eat ice cream - or whatever food you love but restrict yourself from eating because it isn't healthy. I'm not saying to binge and only eat crap that is delicious, but please don't deprive yourself for your whole life. If you were to die tomorrow I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be mad about the ice cream you ate the night before. (*note: unless you are deathly allergic to ice cream - then just ignore this whole point :))

19. You will never please everyone. If you walk into a room full of people, some will like you, some will not like you and some will not pay any attention to you at all. Focus on the ones that like you and enjoy yourself.

20. Always smile in Tree Pose - it helps with balance and makes it more fun when you fall over ;)

21. Try new things and start new hobbies - how else are you to know what you like to do!

22. It's important to get up, get dressed, and keep moving forward, even when your world feels like it's exploding. Just. Keep. Moving. Forward.

23. Being happy and fulfilled in your life, really is the best revenge.

24. Don't get a tattoo unless you are 105% committed to what you want - because a) it hurts a lot and b) seriously, it hurts. I love my tattoo but it almost said "Tr" as I didn't think I could make it through the next three letters ;)

25. Dance at weddings, socials (for my Manitoban readers ;)), parties etc. Do not sit in your chair because you don't want to look un-cool or you think you are a bad dancer - it's so much more fun to be on the dance floor - even if you look like a dork.

26. Yoga will literally change your life if you let it.

27. You are enough, just as you are.

28. Set goals. Make vision boards. Send your intentions into the universe. It can't do any harm. 

29. Be vulnerable, open and sometimes, even soft. Especially, if you are more comfortable building walls, shutting down and getting defensive.

30. Sometimes it's hard for people to differentiate between shyness and disinterest. Work on your ability to be open with new people.

31. To be honest, I am shocked I was able to write these 30 lessons and truly mean each and every one. I guess the lesson is that you learn a lot in your life, from your pain, your celebrations, your peers, your mistakes, and the risks you take. Here's to another 31 years and all that comes with them! 

My Yoga Journey (so far)

Photo found here

Photo found here

I actually started experimenting with Yoga when I was, 17 or 18 years old… and I think it was mostly because I was, at one point, a huge fan of the show Dharma and Greg and was obsessed with Dharma who was all flower child, free spirit and Yoga Instructor. I wanted to be like Dharma, so, I attended a Yoga class at a local women’s fitness centre near my home and was by far the youngest person there. I would say this was just before Yoga became as mainstream as it is now. 

Fast forward to being about 21-22 years old, and I started attending Hot Yoga classes with a couple of girlfriends as we heard it was a killer work out. I LOVED it! I went to a Bikram studio and would attend a couple times a week loving the feeling of being detoxed and “worked out” at the end of class. To me, this was about fitness and working out. I continued to practice Hot Yoga for a few years, eventually moving from Bikram to Moksha as I found that I liked the slightly cooler rooms and the way the teachers spoke during classes – in Moksha hot yoga classes the teachers don’t stick to the same rigid script and rules as they do in Bikram classes, which sometimes included yelling and telling students not to wipe their sweat or drink water. I guess I was starting to enjoy different elements of the practice aside from the physical work-out. After practising for a couple of years, I eventually stopped as I started going to the gym, and as Yoga was a “fitness class” to me, I didn't feel the need for both. 

Photo found here

Photo found here

This takes us up to when I was about 25-26 and I decided I wanted to get back into the Yoga world. I think my fire was re-ignited when a friend of mine who was pregnant enlisted my support at a prenatal yoga class – I was the only non-pregnant person there. I signed up for an intro membership at a new hot yoga studio and re-committed to attending regular classes. After re-introducing classes into my life, I knew that I loved Yoga enough that I wanted to try and become an instructor (just like Dharma! ;)). So, I looked up studio’s that offered Yoga Teacher Trainings, originally looking into hot yoga trainings, but was deterred by the high prices and long time commitments that I would have to take off work. I found a local yoga studio who offered a two year training that involved evening and weekend commitments and went to try a class out there. This class was my first real Hatha style yoga class and it was very different from what I was used to in the Bikram and Moksha studios. 

I signed up for my teacher training, which was Hatha and alignment focused, in 2011 and committed fully to it. I absolutely loved it. I was learning and growing in my personal practice and gaining the tools to actually teach this practice to others. Some people in the training were there without any intention of teaching after, just wanting to grow and learn as a practitioner. I was there with a goal - I would complete the training and start teaching! I was very lucky to be able to start teaching at the studio that was training me before I got my certificate. I was absolutely hooked after the first class I subbed.  

My practice now looks a lot different than it did when I was in my early twenties. I practice 1-2 times a week, but that isn't always attending a community class or even practising for a whole hour at a time. I have a home practice now and attend the classes that I really want to go to – but it isn't to reach a fitness goal. I am actually not someone who is interested in the “hard core” yoga classes that leave you dripping sweat anymore. My favourite style to practice and teach is more of a “yin and yang” where you are moving your body in a way that feels good, in gentle and active ways. There are weeks that I don’t practice asana (which is only one limb of Yoga), but I find a topic that I am interested to research and read about – currently Ayurveda – and dig into that. A few years ago this would never have happened as I was all about the physical practice. I feel like Yoga isn’t about a class for me at this point, but more of a way of life. That is not to say I am someone living a perfectly harmonious "Yogic life" – but Yoga is something that I think about more off my mat than when I am on it. It seems like another lifetime ago I was practising in that hot room – with carpet! Ew! – and sweating through my clothes, but that was the first step in my Yoga Journey. 

Photo found here

Photo found here

If you are wanting to start your Yoga Journey - why not come to the Your Best Yoga "Go with the Flow" class this Thursday?! With no expectation except to just show up on your mat and do YOUR best - whatever that may be - what do you have to lose? And just maybe, this will be the first step to your own Yoga journey :) 

Real Life: What it takes to Follow your Dreams

I took this selfie right before going to get photos for my website - My first step toward following my dream.... I had no idea what I was in for ;)

I took this selfie right before going to get photos for my website - My first step toward following my dream.... I had no idea what I was in for ;)

The Dream – my dream – is to transition from my current career into a full time Yoga teaching gig and  start my own Yoga program. A bit of background on that dream… I have been teaching part time, a couple classes a week, for a few years now after getting my 200 hour certification in 2012, and I love it! Now, that’s not to say that every day that I teach I am feeling the same level of passion or inspiration – this is real life - however, the way that teaching, practising, and taking Yoga off my mat makes me feel has shown me that this is something I want more of. When I look forward 10 years, I see my life as a Yoga teacher, creating classes and workshops, building community and moving my body every day as part of my career. So how do I get there? Some social media, books, articles etc. would have you believe that it is as easy as visualizing the goal, quitting your job, making the leap, and riding off in to the sunset. Well, in my experience, in real life it takes a lot more work. Continue reading to see just some of what it takes to follow your dreams - in real life. 

It takes… Planning, baby steps, and safety nets. 

It takes… Long and longer days of work at your day job so you can bank the time you need to take off to teach, because this is real life and in real life you have real bills. 

It takes… Learning as you go and not having a hot clue what you’re doing for a while. (But then you figure out how to get that pay pal button set up on the webpage and you feel like you could conquer the world!)

It takes… Computer skills.

It takes… Hitting the pavement with the flyers you spent hours formatting so that you can promote your classes.

It takes… Networking skills. 

It takes… Signatures on rental contracts before having enough people signed up for your classes to even cover the cost of rent. 

It takes… Feeling like you are failing, a lot, and not letting that discourage or disappoint you. (Edit: This is real life – in real life we get discouraged and disappointed, so it’s about feeling that and moving forward anyways)

It takes… Amazing support from your loved ones, especially when you want to quit and they won’t let you. 

It takes… Being vulnerable and sharing your deepest wants, passions, fears, and failures with others, because this is real life and in real life we fail some, we want a lot, and we must go after what we are passionate about. 

It takes… Guts. Courage. Cojones. Whatever you call it, it takes a lot of it. 

In the end, (or should I say beginning - because that is where I am), it’s worth it. You can look at what you have done and are doing and feel really accomplished. You can redefine success in your own terms and no matter what the outcome is, you can always look back and say you tried your best, because this is real life, and in real life that’s all anyone can do.

When I am Doing my Best... with the creator of Mieroglyphs!

Something you may not know about me? I love quotes. Like, LOVE them. I have them posted on my corkboard in my office at work to inspire me throughout the day. The lock screen on my phone will display one I need to see on a regular basis – it’s currently the “our deepest fear” quote from Marianne Williamson. I have the word “Trust” tattooed on my ankle as a reminder to “trust the journey”. Basically, for me, when I am looking to be inspired/motivated/encouraged/lifted up or validated… I’m turning to words. 

I’m also a fan of bracelets. 

Think those two things don’t go together at all? Think again!

Mieroglyphs (like Hieroglyphs but with an "M") is a company started by Tyson Auer, who also finds inspiration from quotes. His company makes bracelets, which he then engraves by hand (seriously, I double checked and asked him if he REALLY does this himself by hand and he said he does) with the customers favorite and customized quote. The quotes are actually engraved on the INSIDE of the bracelet, so you can walk around completely inspired by something that no one else even needs to know about! Their tagline is “it’s what’s on the inside that counts” which I find quite charming and very fitting for their product. They also refer to the “Miero” as your own hidden tattoo – but you know, way less permanent ;). Check out their company vision here for more details on the bracelets. 

Photos from

Photos from

Naturally, I wanted to know what it looks like for Tyson when he is doing his best – and engraving bracelets by hand – and this is what he had to share:

“To me doing my best can probably be summed up by my favorite quote – “stay hungry, stay foolish”. As long as I follow these words I am always staying hungry to better myself and my surroundings and by staying foolish I am always following my heart. It’s the quote I wear inside my Miero.” 

I’m currently teaming up with Mieroglyphs to spread the word on their products AND if you want to get your very own Miero, you will get FREE SHIPPING on your orders with the coupon code SANDRAYOGA. That may not seem like a big deal, but when I ordered my bracelet, shipping was $10.00 so that’s a pretty good saving! I ordered the Aztec bracelet and have it engraved with “just do your best”.

Visit their page here:

As always, I would love to know what it looks like when you do your best and if you leave a comment before Oct. 31 you will be entered to win passes to the “Go with the Flow” class for you and a friend in November! 

* Disclosure: I am involved with Mieroglyphs Affiliate Program

When I am Doing my Best...

Image found on Google

Image found on Google

What does it look like when you are doing your best? How does it feel? What inspires you to do your best? Since the entire purpose of starting Your Best Yoga is to encourage everyone to simply do and be their best, I thought it may be fun to start a conversation about what that actually means and looks like. I asked some amazing women from the Yoga and Wellness community here in Winnipeg, as well as some of my international favourites, to help me start this conversation by sharing with me what it looks like for them when they are doing their best. I think you will find their words inspiring and motivating - I know I did! For me, I am doing my best when I am living in my truth, even if it is scary. I am my best when I am kind and compassionate with myself when I don't have it all figured out or when I fall out of a balancing posture in class. I feel my best when I see the best in others and reflect it back to them. I am inspired to be my best when I am surrounded with other people who are passionate about life and living it fully. I am my best when I try my best - even if that means that I try something that doesn't succeed, because to try at all is always best.  

Here is what some of the amazing women I reached out to had to share...  

"Doing my best means living a way that feels balanced and inspiring. Infusing plenty of play into my practice, whether it's on or off my yoga mat, and taking time to be quiet and marinate. Doing my best feels good in my body and puts my mind at ease."

- Mary Beth LaRue - Yoga teacher, life coach and writer based in California and co-founder of Rock Your Bliss

"To me, doing your best is the action of putting your whole self into a project, a conversation, a new opportunity or a relationship. When we show up all in, I am talking our darkness and light, owning all of our sh*t and all of our gifts, we grant ourselves (and others) the permission to truly be ourselves and give our best effort genuinely possible. A reminder: we don't always have all the answers or the skills or the athletic talent, what we do have is heart and willpower to connect, create, ask for help and contribute. If we operate from this space, for ourselves and through the lens which we see others, we can get up to some major magic, together." 

- Jacki Carr - Goal Coach and co-founder of Rock Your Bliss

Instagram, Twitter: @jackicarr



I am doing my best when I am being as real as possible. When I realized my voice in the community was growing and starting to have an impact on people’s lives I made a promise to myself… to be real. For me its not about being the strongest, the most flexible, or having a big yoga following. Physical strength and flexibility come and go… same with yoga followers, which is good. I always tell my students if they want to keep growing they have to experience lots of teachers. Being real doesn’t come and go. I am doing my best when I stay true to who I am. It’s not about sharing what I think people want me to share. It’s about being myself. When I made that promise to myself to be real, that’s when I got the strongest response from the community. I don’t think it’s necessarily because of what I am saying, or teaching. I believe people are connecting with what I share because I’m just being myself. Keep Shining!"

- Samantha Squire - Samantha has a passion for many types of yoga, and different meditative practices. Recently Samantha started her own business, Om at me Bro Bootcamp here in Winnipeg. In the future Samantha plans to teach more meditative practices, but for now she wants to shake up the fitness community with Om at me Bro Bootcamp. She approaches fitness with the intention that when you do what you love the body that you want will come!


"Doing your best is giving yourself whole-heartedly to your passions while still knowing when enough is enough. Going beyond your best is a disservice to ourselves. Working hard while maintaining balance in our lives and relationships is what makes us soar."

- Kathryn Budig - International Yoga Teacher and Author


"Doing my best means showing up, for whatever the task may be, with patience, compassion and curiosity. It means pushing myself to do things before I feel "ready" or "perfect" enough. And at the end of the day, remembering to not take myself or whatever it is I’m doing too seriously…reminding myself to have fun, smile and laugh!"

- Sarah Colatruglio - Winnipeg based nutritionist and blogger

 Now it's your turn!! What does it look like when you do your best? Share with me in the comments below and you will be entered to win passes for you and a friend to come to a "Go with the Flow" class in November for Free! Also, like us on facebook and leave a comment there for another chance to be entered into the draw. I will be randomly selecting one winner on October 31st - Good Luck! And don't forget to sign up now for the beginner class that starts November 9th - tell your friends, parents, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas if they have never done yoga before this is the class for them! 

I would also like to extend the largest THANK YOU to all the amazing women who shared and contributed to this post. Very sincerely - Thank You.