
Real Life: Moving from "Worrier" to "Warrior"

This illustration inspired the title of this post. Keep reading to learn my tips on moving from "Worrier" to  "Warrior". 

This illustration inspired the title of this post. Keep reading to learn my tips on moving from "Worrier" to  "Warrior". 

Welcome to another "real life" blog post! I try my best to keep it "real" both on my blog and social media. To me that means being a bit vulnerable sometimes and sharing my truth. You can check out my past real life posts about a week in my life as a yoga teacher, and what it takes to follow your dreams. 

Worrying happens. It’s part of being human I think. The good news is, when you start to have anxious,limiting thoughts, or are filled with self-doubt, you have the power to change the dialogue. Recently I was informed that a Rec Centre Yoga class I have taught for a couple years would not be renewing their contract with the studio that employed me.  This situation had great potential to send me into a self-doubt spiral, and honestly, would have in the past. This time, however, I was able to navigate the situation with much more ease and much less worry, which inspired me to write this post.  Here is what helps me when I find myself deep in that self-doubt/worry spiral – maybe it will help you move from a Worrier to a Warrior too. 

1. Be Mindful – We have millions of thoughts a day, they just float in and out of our consciousness and sometimes, we get stuck on one or two. If you can work on being mindful with your thoughts, then you can catch those less than constructive ones in their tracks, simply by noticing them. For example, when I read the email about the situation above, the pit in my stomach said “They don’t think you’re a good teacher”, “you’re not good enough” and a variety of less than helpful and kind thoughts. I noticed those thoughts, and responded “hello limiting beliefs” (not out loud of course… ;)) Just being able to notice and label the thought gives you a grasp on it, which is what you need to be able to let it go. 

2. Be Present – Most times the stories that we tell are future stories (Well if this happened today, then tomorrow this will happen and I will end up losing my job and all my money and no one will love me by next week!), or past stories (this probably happened because that one time I did this and if I just had done that instead – let’s play that over and over and over). We have little to no control over past and future situations which is likely one of the reasons they are so bothersome.  What I find helpful when I haven’t been able to mindfully label my thought and let it go - therefore ending up in “story mode” - is to get grounded in the present. What am I doing right now? Where am I right now? What is happening in this very moment? I am sitting in my chair in my office. I just ate lunch. I am working. I have to send an email. I’m going to make some tea….. None of these thoughts are particularly activating, and get me grounded in the here and now, which is the only moment I can do anything about.

3. Be rooted in the truth – Now that we are in the present moment, let’s be truthful. What is true right now? I have a partner that I love and who loves me. I have a family that I love and who love me. I have a job that provides me with enough money to survive and live a good life. I have friends. I have a body that is healthy. These things will not change if I lose this teaching job or if I lose all my teaching jobs. My family doesn’t love me because I am a good Yoga teacher. My friends aren’t only spending time with me because I teach a certain number of classes per week. The Yoga studio didn’t revoke all of my classes and tell me I can’t teach for them anymore. The email said “thanks for the great instructor”. These are the facts

4. Be Grateful – Once you have your true facts, throw some gratitude at them. I am so grateful to have loving family and friends. I am so grateful that I have more than one job to support me. I am so grateful for the yoga studio that continues to support me and provides me training to help me grow as a teacher. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to teach that class for as long as I did because I loved teaching that group. And so on, and so on…. Gratitude really does have the power to shift your entire perspective and mood.  

Feel Better? I know I do, and I truly hope that next time you find yourself in a self-doubt/worry spiral, you’ll be able to use these tools to make your way out of it.

Your Best Yoga Manifesto: Meet People where They're at

When I decided that I wanted to start my own Yoga program, it wasn't just because I wanted to teach more. It was because I wanted to create a space and program that I could infuse with my own thoughts and values about practising Yoga. I feel like my manifesto for the Your Best Yoga program touches on each of the values that I hope to bring to the program and I want to spend some time "breaking down" each line of it for better understanding. Read more about the first and second line of the Manifesto here and here! You'll notice I have skipped the third line of the Manifesto - Just do your best - as I feel I have covered that in many a blog post already :) 

My professional background is in Social Services. I have worked closely with people from all walks of life for the past 8 years, forming relationships and building rapport with complete strangers, asking them to take my help. The number one, most important rule that I would share about working successfully with people is meeting them where they are at. So what does that look like? If where you are at is not being able to touch your toes, that is where I will meet you and we won't be starting classes with deep forward folds. If  where you are at is having a sore back, then that is where I will meet you, and I will provide you with cautionary notes and modifications to ensure you won't do more harm to your back as we move through the practice. I am not coming in to our meeting with expectations of my own, you are the one leading. I am not coming to teach a class based on my needs, I am coming to teach a class that meets the needs of the participants. So this line of the manifesto, is sort of like my pledge to you, future student. I will meet you where you are at, no matter where that is, and then we will move forward  together. 

Sign up today for the Your Best Yoga Beginner class (only 8 spots left!) or one of the Slow Flow Classes - All Classes start February 24th :) 


Your Best Yoga Manifesto: Commit to Showing up on your Mat, no matter what

When I decided that I wanted to start my own Yoga program, it wasn't just because I wanted to teach more. It was because I wanted to create a space and program that I could infuse with my own thoughts and values about practising Yoga. I feel like my manifesto for the Your Best Yoga program touches on each of the values that I hope to bring to the program and I want to spend some time "breaking down" each line of it for better understanding. Read more about the first line of the Manifesto here

We can always find an excuse not to do something. Sometimes that excuse is legitimate - you are injured so you can't come to a yoga class - and other times, the excuses are barriers to us being or doing our best. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutra's there is  a list of "9 obstacles" or "vikshepas" to the practice of Yoga, and they range from illness to doubt and laziness (but perhaps we should leave Patanjali for another day :) Look it up if this is your area of interest though!). The reason I wanted to include this second line of the Your Best Yoga Manifesto is because I feel that a lot of people encounter the obstacle of fear, which stops them from trying Yoga.

People fear they won't be able to do it. Fear what people will think of them. Fear what their body is or isn't capable of. Fear of the unknown. Fear of looking silly. Fear of failing. Fear of hurting themselves. Etc. Etc..... Now, I'm not saying not to feel that fear. I'm saying if you feel it, I want you to commit to showing up on the mat anyways. Commit to yourself. Commit to trying something new, that may just make you feel fantastic! Commit to trying your best - no matter what. Let me tell you a little story that may really drive my point home...

My mom has had two knee replacements and has never done Yoga before. When I told her I was going to be offering a Beginner class she said she wanted to sign up, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to do it because of her knee replacements, as she can't put pressure on her knees which makes it difficult to get up off the floor and limits some of the other poses in the practice. I told her that I would happily modify poses for her if she wanted to attend and would make sure she felt safe throughout the practice. I really wasn't sure if she would sign up, to be honest. But then, one morning I had an email that someone had registered for the beginner class - and it was my mom. I sent her a text to let her know I received her registration and she asked where she could go to purchase a mat. She was committed!! When I spoke to her next she told me that she was looking forward to the class because she felt that she could really benefit from the increased movement and flexibility and then she said: "well I'm going to try and if I can't do it, well then I will just lay there I guess, but I'm going to try!". THIS IS COMMITTING TO SHOWING UP ON YOUR MAT, NO MATTER WHAT!!! She was going to show up, do her best, even if that meant she could do very little. She was committing to bettering herself and doing her best. Unfortunately, my mom came across another real obstacle of an injury right before the session started, so she was not able to attend, but she will be there next session - and I couldn't be happier or more proud :) 

Hope to see you in the next Your Best Yoga beginner session or in one of the Go with the Flow classes, happening every Wednesday evening from 7:30-8:30 until February 10th. The next session will start up February 24th and the details will be coming out soon so keep checking back for registration and class info!

Your Best Year Yet - Kick Off!!!

2016 is just around the corner, and I want this to be YOUR best year yet! To kick off the New Year, and give you the best start possible, this year's FIRST Your Best Yoga "Go with the Flow" class is turning itself into a bit of a party!!! We will start with a FREE Flow style yoga class - because I think moving your body in a way that feels good for you is an important part of having your best year yet. There will be snacks - because, snacks are always good. And last but not least, there will be some awesome door prizes for Winnipeg retailers and restaurants!! I hope to see you there!

Click here and here for more information on the Your Best Yoga program and the values that I have based this program on. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or if you feel unsure if Yoga is right for you - I would love to chat :) sandrayogawpg@gmail.com

See you January 6th at 7:30pm!!! 

31 Lessons in 31 years

December is always a month full of reflection for me. At the beginning of the month, it's my Birthday and I enjoy taking some time to look back on the events that unfolded in that particular year of life, and I also spend time at the end of the month reflecting on the past, planning for the future and setting goals and intentions. This year I turned 31 - and while this is the first year that I felt the twinge of panic when I say my age out loud - I am also really amazed to think about all the things I have been fortunate to experience in my 31 years on the planet. Keep reading to hear 31 life lessons I have picked up on my journey so far!

1. Always say thank you - in person, in writing, with a small token of appreciation - it goes very, very far.

2. Time does not heal all wounds. Time and work, on the other hand, does. You must do the work, and over time, wounds will heal.

3. Try not to take life so seriously, it sucks all the fun out of it.

4. Growing pains - both physical and emotional - hurt a lot, but the results are worth it.

5. Be brave enough to follow your dreams - I've followed mine to a lot of different places, like the stage, the film set, the runway, and the yoga studio - and I can't say I regret one minute of it.

6. Collect memories not things - this is especially true when you're travelling - spend the money on experience. 

7. Travel!

8. Go on lot's of dates when you are young- it really helps you figure out what qualities you value in other people - and which ones you do not.

9. Understand that when people want to set you up with people they know - it's a compliment - even if it feels like a punishment.

10. Say yes more - you'll figure it out when you get there.

11. Be on time. It shows others you value theirs.

12. Do what you say you are going to do. Integrity is important.

13. Acknowledge your fear and do it anyways. I like to visualize myself standing on a very high diving board - terrified - and jumping off, safely landing in the water, excited and anxious to do it again.

14. You can't know what you don't know - ask questions without guilt or fear.

15. The answer is always "no" if you don't ask. Ask for what you want - you will be surprised how often it works.

16. Forgive yourself - genuinely.

17. Forgive others- everyone is just trying to do their best on their own journeys.

18. Eat ice cream - or whatever food you love but restrict yourself from eating because it isn't healthy. I'm not saying to binge and only eat crap that is delicious, but please don't deprive yourself for your whole life. If you were to die tomorrow I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be mad about the ice cream you ate the night before. (*note: unless you are deathly allergic to ice cream - then just ignore this whole point :))

19. You will never please everyone. If you walk into a room full of people, some will like you, some will not like you and some will not pay any attention to you at all. Focus on the ones that like you and enjoy yourself.

20. Always smile in Tree Pose - it helps with balance and makes it more fun when you fall over ;)

21. Try new things and start new hobbies - how else are you to know what you like to do!

22. It's important to get up, get dressed, and keep moving forward, even when your world feels like it's exploding. Just. Keep. Moving. Forward.

23. Being happy and fulfilled in your life, really is the best revenge.

24. Don't get a tattoo unless you are 105% committed to what you want - because a) it hurts a lot and b) seriously, it hurts. I love my tattoo but it almost said "Tr" as I didn't think I could make it through the next three letters ;)

25. Dance at weddings, socials (for my Manitoban readers ;)), parties etc. Do not sit in your chair because you don't want to look un-cool or you think you are a bad dancer - it's so much more fun to be on the dance floor - even if you look like a dork.

26. Yoga will literally change your life if you let it.

27. You are enough, just as you are.

28. Set goals. Make vision boards. Send your intentions into the universe. It can't do any harm. 

29. Be vulnerable, open and sometimes, even soft. Especially, if you are more comfortable building walls, shutting down and getting defensive.

30. Sometimes it's hard for people to differentiate between shyness and disinterest. Work on your ability to be open with new people.

31. To be honest, I am shocked I was able to write these 30 lessons and truly mean each and every one. I guess the lesson is that you learn a lot in your life, from your pain, your celebrations, your peers, your mistakes, and the risks you take. Here's to another 31 years and all that comes with them!