
Making Yoga Accessible for Children with Special Needs - Why it's Important to me

Making Yoga Accessible for Children with Special Needs - Why it's Important to me

One of my offerings through Your Best Yoga that I don't talk much about is my "Your Best Kids" program. This program offers Yoga for children and youth with various and special needs, either in an in-home, private setting (I come to your home), or at school or other community organization. Today I wanted to give a bit of background on why this type of programming is so important to me and how I try to make Yoga accessible to children and youth with varying needs, so they can experience the joy, and many benefits, of Yoga and Mindfulness. 

Your Best Kids: Benefits of Yoga for Children and Youth with Various Needs

Your Best Kids: Benefits of Yoga for Children and Youth with Various Needs

I am so very excited to finally launch Your Best Kids - a specialized Yoga program for children and Youth ages 6-16 with various needs. This program is for those children who may need additional support for a variety of reasons, including diagnosis of ADHD, FASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder or Sensory Processing Disorder. Please visit the Your Best Kids page for more information and feel free to contact me with any questions! Keep reading to learn much more about the benefits of Yoga for children with various needs.