
Yoga Books I Own & Recommend

As Yoga has continued to grow in popularity and become more "mainstream" there are more and more books authored by amazing Yogi's and Yoga teachers. With so many options, it can be hard to know what type of book to choose! Some books focus more on the teachers themselves - their journeys, stories and personal beliefs. Some focus on the body and the physical practice. Some focus on a certain style of Yoga. There really is something on the bookshelf for everyone! Today, I am sharing the Yoga books that I currently own,

Real Life: Thinking Critically about Self Improvement

Real Life: Thinking Critically about Self Improvement

I am a self-professed lover of “self-improvement”. Books, articles, teachings, quotes, cleanses – you name it – I’ve tried it. I find it fascinating to hear from those who seem to have found the key to living their best life and want to tell everyone about it. However, I have been thinking a bit more critically about the entire “self-improvement” movement. I recently saw an article on one of my daily web reads that promised to give readers steps to live their most “authentic” lives. I opened it up and was eager to read perhaps about breaking free of inauthentic relationships, refusing to settle, or tapping in to your intuition. I was stopped dead in my tracks when the first step was “eat a plant based diet”.