self help

Sandra Dawn Yoga Winnipeg Website and Blog Turns 1!

Wow... where did the time go?! It has been 1 year since I launched this website and Blog, and what a year it has been. I remember deciding, after much thought, to try and turn my teaching "side job" into a business last year. I had professional photos taken and worked away at setting up a visually appealing and user friendly website. I started thinking of Blog content, writing posts, and frantically checking my blog stats daily to see if anyone had actually read what I had written. It was exciting and terrifying to put myself out there on the Internet and I didn't know what to expect. 

Real Life: Thinking Critically about Self Improvement

Real Life: Thinking Critically about Self Improvement

I am a self-professed lover of “self-improvement”. Books, articles, teachings, quotes, cleanses – you name it – I’ve tried it. I find it fascinating to hear from those who seem to have found the key to living their best life and want to tell everyone about it. However, I have been thinking a bit more critically about the entire “self-improvement” movement. I recently saw an article on one of my daily web reads that promised to give readers steps to live their most “authentic” lives. I opened it up and was eager to read perhaps about breaking free of inauthentic relationships, refusing to settle, or tapping in to your intuition. I was stopped dead in my tracks when the first step was “eat a plant based diet”.