
Real Life: Thinking Critically about Self Improvement

Real Life: Thinking Critically about Self Improvement

I am a self-professed lover of “self-improvement”. Books, articles, teachings, quotes, cleanses – you name it – I’ve tried it. I find it fascinating to hear from those who seem to have found the key to living their best life and want to tell everyone about it. However, I have been thinking a bit more critically about the entire “self-improvement” movement. I recently saw an article on one of my daily web reads that promised to give readers steps to live their most “authentic” lives. I opened it up and was eager to read perhaps about breaking free of inauthentic relationships, refusing to settle, or tapping in to your intuition. I was stopped dead in my tracks when the first step was “eat a plant based diet”.

Your Best Yoga Manifesto

I'm coming to you mid-week to share something I have been thinking about for awhile now. I have created a Manifesto for Your Best Yoga - the Yoga program I created and run out of Winakwa Community Centre in Winnipeg, MB. I wanted this to represent the values that I built the Your Best Yoga program on. I will be doing separate blog posts throughout the next couple of months, breaking down each line of this Manifesto and what it all means to me.

So, what is a Manifesto anyways?? According to Wikipedia, a Manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group, political party or government. So, without further ado.... I present to you, the Your Best Yoga Manifesto!!!

Stay tuned for new and exciting things coming from Your Best Yoga in the New Year!! Hope to see you in one of the classes :)