checkout 51

A Holiday PSA: Just Do Your Best

A Holiday PSA: Just Do Your Best

I'll admit it...I LOVE the holidays!!! I get excited to spend a couple days with family eating all the food, having a few (too many) glasses of wine, and giving people gifts that I have been impatiently waiting for them to open. I find comfort in the tradition and sameness of each year, as well as the new memories that can be created. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Tips for You!

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Tips for You!

If you're unhappy at work, feeling like there has got to be something more, or have been working on a side hustle for the last year or so, you may be at the point where you feel like it's time to move on from your current job. But how do you do it? Whether you are planning on leaving your job to work for yourself, start a business, go back to school, or simply change career fields, you may end up staying right where you are - happy or not - because the task of making the big change seems daunting. There are a lot of unknowns outside your current situation and that makes your current situation feel safe. Safe is nice. Safe can also be a dream killer. So, as a way to help you make your decision - stay or go - today I am giving you tips that I used, or wish I had used, when I was leaving my job.