
A Holiday PSA: Just Do Your Best

A Holiday PSA: Just Do Your Best

I'll admit it...I LOVE the holidays!!! I get excited to spend a couple days with family eating all the food, having a few (too many) glasses of wine, and giving people gifts that I have been impatiently waiting for them to open. I find comfort in the tradition and sameness of each year, as well as the new memories that can be created. 

Real Life: What Makes your Life feel Full?

Real Life: What Makes your Life feel Full?

As I’ve documented on the blog before, I recently changed my work schedule to 3 days per week as opposed to 5, in order to have more time to put toward starting Your Best Yoga. This was only a temporary situation and after 6 months, I am back to my full time gig again. As I knew my term was coming to an end I started feeling really anxious. Before I went to 3 days per week I was starting to feel really burnt out, exhausted and frankly, uninspired. My life was running from work, to teaching and then mustering up some energy to watch a bit of Netflix before heading to bed and starting over again the next day (as documented in this real life post)