
Real Life: I Quit my Job - Did I make the Right Choice?

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Did I make the Right Choice?

I was recently told a story of someone who gave in a resignation letter after deciding it was time to leave their current position. This person applied, interviewed, and was hired on for a new position and provided two weeks-notice to their current employer. This person then reportedly cried every day for the next two-weeks.

Real Life: I Quit my Job

Real Life: I Quit my Job

On September 23rd I gave my 3-weeks notice (to my incredibly supportive boss) at my job of the last 4 years. I have made the decision to step out on my own and put everything in to growing my business and teaching Yoga. It has, and continues to be, one of the scarier things I've done in my life. It seems like a big risk, but at the same time, like something I HAD to do - for my soul and all that :) Since I gave my notice, I've been blogging in "draft" form and will now be sharing those posts every Wednesday for the next little while. I will be sharing my real-time feelings, thoughts, as well as tips and tricks for going out on your own, and of course, my wins and losses. Enjoy! 

What I wish Someone would have told me when I first Started

It’s been a year since this Website and Blog went “Live” and I began the journey of turning my part-time Yoga teaching gig into a full on business venture. When I started, I remember desperately seeking out information and stories from others who had taken a similar path and could share some of the real-life, hard truths about what it would actually take to find “success” in this journey.

Sandra Dawn Yoga Winnipeg Website and Blog Turns 1!

Wow... where did the time go?! It has been 1 year since I launched this website and Blog, and what a year it has been. I remember deciding, after much thought, to try and turn my teaching "side job" into a business last year. I had professional photos taken and worked away at setting up a visually appealing and user friendly website. I started thinking of Blog content, writing posts, and frantically checking my blog stats daily to see if anyone had actually read what I had written. It was exciting and terrifying to put myself out there on the Internet and I didn't know what to expect. 

Winter is Coming...

So, please enjoy the rest of the summer. It’s August – THIRD WEEK OF AUGUST! – already, and for you fellow Winnipeggers, we know that in just a couple (hopefully a few) months our summer memories will be distant as we grumble about the cold. So, instead of sitting inside this weekend, editing the draft of a blog post I originally intended to have up this morning, I decided to just enjoy this summer weekend. In fact, this is me, encouraging you to do the same. Get out and enjoy the remaining weeks of this glorious sunshine because, the other day when I went to get ice cream at 9:00pm (because I’m enjoying summer over here) I noticed that it was getting pretty dark out. The days are getting shorter!!!! But there is still much to be enjoyed. So....

Eat at the food trucks - like all the Food Trucks - I have narrowed my top 3 to The Red Ember, Tot Wheels and Habanero Sombrero. 

Get your BDI ice cream and wander across that bridge!

Head to the beach/lake/cabin and stay on the sand until the skies turn orange. 

Go for boat rides and bike rides.

Use your BBQ and eat on the deck!

Sip sangria on a patio, and stay up way past your bedtime.

September is a time for being organized and editing blog posts, August is a time to enjoy.

August is also the best time to sign up for Your Best Yoga classes that start September 7th! Click here to register today!