
Diet of a Yogi

Diet of a Yogi

Let's talk about diet and nutrition. Specifically, what the diet and nutrition of a Yogi or Yoga teacher is supposed to look like. If you google "yoga diet", you will come across a variety of articles sharing ideal ways to eat as a yoga practitioner. You will read about vegetarianism, veganism, plant-based, raw, as well as "light", "organic", and "fresh". You may also stumble across Ayurvedic or Sattvic styles of eating/living, and will definitely hear about eating Mindfully. So what does this all mean? What should you - as a modern day Yogi - be eating to fuel your practice and live your best life?! Honestly - this isn't that kind of article. I am not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't eat, because truly it's none of my business and I don't know what's best for YOU

Yoga Student Question: Why can't I Balance??

Yoga Student Question: Why can't I Balance??

When I teach balancing postures - Tree pose, Eagle Pose, Warrior 3 - I usually say at some point in the practice "If you fall over, just have a laugh and keep trying - it's just Yoga". In my experience as a Yoga teacher, I see the most frustration and stress around poses that involve balancing on one foot. If people cannot stay balanced, they get very discouraged and stressed and it can effect the rest of their practice as they carry those feelings into the next poses. So, today I wanted to address the question of "why the heck can't I balance on one foot?!" here on the blog. 

Savasana - What's the Point??

Savasana - What's the Point??

Savasana - some people live for it, some people loathe it, and some people simply do not get why they are being made to lay on the floor for what seems like forever at the end of their Yoga class. Whatever group you fall into, my question is this: Do you really know WHY we do Savasana at the end of class?? Keep reading to learn more about the reasoning and benefits behind this seemingly simple pose.

Yoga Books I Own & Recommend

As Yoga has continued to grow in popularity and become more "mainstream" there are more and more books authored by amazing Yogi's and Yoga teachers. With so many options, it can be hard to know what type of book to choose! Some books focus more on the teachers themselves - their journeys, stories and personal beliefs. Some focus on the body and the physical practice. Some focus on a certain style of Yoga. There really is something on the bookshelf for everyone! Today, I am sharing the Yoga books that I currently own,

Pranayama for Beginners Part 3: How do you do it?

Pranayama for Beginners Part 3: How do you do it?

So, now you know what Pranayama is and how it can benefit your life and Yoga practice, I wanted to give you two of my favorite breathing techniques that can act as your first steps into the world of Pranayama. The first technique - Ujjayi Breath - is a wonderful breath to bring into your asana practice. I find it really helpful to use this breath to help keep me centered and present during my yoga practice, especially during longer holds. The second technique is one that you can practice on it's own during your day, or at the end of your yoga practice before you lay in savasana. Keep reading to learn how to practice these techniques!