Real Life Series

Real Life: I Quit my Job - 2 Month Update!

Real Life: I Quit my Job - 2 Month Update!

Well, this week marks 2 months since I left my full-time day job to venture into Entrepreneurship and teaching Yoga full time. Although I was worried at first that I would find myself with lots of spare time to feel "bored" or "lazy", and ultimately miss the routine of going to work everyday, to be honest - I haven't. I have acclimated pretty quickly to this new lifestyle of making my own schedule and working for myself, and even though there are days where I feel like I spent more time relaxing than working, overall the time has flown over these past two months because I have been BUSY! It really is amazing how much you can accomplish when you have the time and energy to put toward your goals. Today I wanted to share a bit of an update of how the past two months have changed me and my business and a few of the lessons I've already learned. Then on Wednesday, I will be back on this here blog with some tips for those of you who may be looking to take a similar step into working for yourself or making a big career change, to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Home Office Tour!!

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Home Office Tour!!

Since I left my full time job in October I have been working on turning a spare room that was unsused except for junk (do other people have those rooms in their house - tell me I'm not alone here ;)) into a home office. I wanted to create a space that would motivate and inspire me to work, and also something that would help separate my daily personal life and my work life. I felt like if I did my work in my living room for example, I would have less boundaries as to what was "work time" and what was "netflix time". Now in the mornings when I get up I can actually still "go to the office" - but my commute is much more enjoyable! Take a look at the before and after pictures of the space below and read to the end to find out where you can find some similar pieces. Fun fact about me - Interior decorating/design is a very close second to Yoga when it comes to things I'm passionate about. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job - I Better not Mess this up

Real Life: I Quit my Job - I Better not Mess this up

It is 10:30pm and I worked my last 7 hours at my "day job" today. I was about to go to bed - because these last three weeks have exhausted me - but instead, I write. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support and well wishes I not only received today, but since I've told people my plan of quitting my job. 

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Did I make the Right Choice?

Real Life: I Quit my Job - Did I make the Right Choice?

I was recently told a story of someone who gave in a resignation letter after deciding it was time to leave their current position. This person applied, interviewed, and was hired on for a new position and provided two weeks-notice to their current employer. This person then reportedly cried every day for the next two-weeks.

Real Life: I Quit my Job

Real Life: I Quit my Job

On September 23rd I gave my 3-weeks notice (to my incredibly supportive boss) at my job of the last 4 years. I have made the decision to step out on my own and put everything in to growing my business and teaching Yoga. It has, and continues to be, one of the scarier things I've done in my life. It seems like a big risk, but at the same time, like something I HAD to do - for my soul and all that :) Since I gave my notice, I've been blogging in "draft" form and will now be sharing those posts every Wednesday for the next little while. I will be sharing my real-time feelings, thoughts, as well as tips and tricks for going out on your own, and of course, my wins and losses. Enjoy!