
Pranyama for Beginners Part 2: What does it Do?

Pranyama for Beginners Part 2: What does it Do?

Last week, we talked about what Pranayama actually is - the control or expansion of the breath. But what does that mean really? What does the practice of Pranayama actually do? Well, as you learn to practice different Pranayama techniques (I'll provide you with two great ones next week!) you will learn to actually change the depth of your breath, lengthen your inhales and exhales, and even change the rate of your pattern of breathing. But besides these physical aspects of the breath itself, there is much more Pranayama has to offer. 

Pranayama for Beginners Part 1: What is it?

Pranayama for Beginners Part 1: What is it?

There you are on your mat, laying in savasana, and all the sudden you hear your teacher say "we are going to practice Pranayama today". "Prana-what?", you may think as you start to feel anxious for what is to come. 

Is Yoga just Another Exercise Class??

've been fortunate enough to teach Yoga in a variety of settings since I started in 2012. I have taught in workplaces, Yoga Studios, on the beach, in a park, and in Community Centres and Gyms. Depending on the setting, sometimes the Yoga classes are scheduled between various fitness classes, and if the setting is a Gym, people's main reason for attending may be getting in their "work-out" for the day. Now, Yoga certainly can and will strengthen and tone your muscles, increase you flexibility, and sometimes get you sweating, so what makes it different than your typical "fitness class"?

Yoga Pose: Warrior 3

Yoga Pose: Warrior 3

Warrior 3 - Virabhadrasana 3 - is perhaps the most challenging of all the Warriors as it requires strength, balance and flexibility. This pose provides many benefits to it's practitioner, including strengthening the legs, feet and ankles, strengthening the core muscles, opening and toning the shoulder muscles, and helping to improve balance. Keep reading to learn how to move into this pose. Since balancing in this pose can be especially difficult for beginners, I have also included the supported version of this pose as well. Enjoy! 

Sandra Dawn Yoga Winnipeg Website and Blog Turns 1!

Wow... where did the time go?! It has been 1 year since I launched this website and Blog, and what a year it has been. I remember deciding, after much thought, to try and turn my teaching "side job" into a business last year. I had professional photos taken and worked away at setting up a visually appealing and user friendly website. I started thinking of Blog content, writing posts, and frantically checking my blog stats daily to see if anyone had actually read what I had written. It was exciting and terrifying to put myself out there on the Internet and I didn't know what to expect.